No not quite. It's a stack. when you setFocus, you are assigning that group to the top of the stack. when you call fireAllRules() it iterates through that stack, firing all the rules in the top one, popping it, firing all the rules in the next group until it reaches MAIN (which is always at the bottom of the stack) and returns when that is empty.I'm writing rules in different agenda groups and witnessing something curious.Right now when I put my fireAllRules() in a callback that is triggered every couple of seconds I have to do this:Callback executes on receipt of a heartbeat message:{session.setFocus("my_agenda");session.fireAllRules();}What I would prefer to do is this is set my agenda group external to the callback so I have the liberty to simply use the callback to execute rules on whatever agenda I give focus to elsewhere:Callback executes on receipt of a heartbeat message:{session.fireAllRules();}But this doesn't work.My understanding is that unless you explicitly set the agenda-group each time, then fireAllRules() resets your agenda group to "MAIN"?
Is there a way to get the session to retain focus on the agenda group I specify until I see fit to change it?Allen F. Bagwelle-mail: afbagwe@sandia.govphone: 505/284-4517fax: 505/ 844-7886There is no monument dedicated to the memory of a committee. -- Lester J. Pourciau
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