Hi All,

I am trying to figure out how to do a pattern match against a collection and an array. Here is one of the domain model classes:

public class DecisionRequest extends Payload {

    public void addRequestObject(String key, Object value){
        this.payload.put(key, value);
    public Object getRequestObject(String key){
        return this.payload.get(key);
    public Map<String, Object> getRequestObjects(){
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.payload);


Here is my rule code for now trying to access the values in the Map returned by public Map<String, Object> getRequestObjects(). As you can see, getRequestObjects does not have a setter so it isn't recognized a a javabean property. I have tried eval etc...

global DecisionRequest request;
global DecisionResponse response;

rule "Explode Globals"
    ruleflow-group "Data Prep"
        $market : Market() from collect( request.requestsObjects.values ) << property values isn't recognized? (expecting type LEFT_PARENT, mismatched token error)
$series : CandleSeries () from collect ( $market.candleSeries ) << candleSeries returns a CandleSeries[] (expecting type RIGHT_PARENT, mismatched token error)
        insert ( $series );
        insert ( $market );

What would be the right way to pattern match against these values?

Thanks for any help