Hi, I am attempting to use a function in a decision table, I am sure I have gotten it totally wrong because it gives me the following error -
org.drools.compiler.DroolsParserException: Unknown error while parsing. This is a bug. Please contact the Development team.

at org.drools.compiler.DrlParser.compile(DrlParser.java:183)

at org.drools.compiler.DrlParser.parse(DrlParser.java:61)

at org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilder.addPackageFromDrl(PackageBuilder.java:165)

at com.sample.DecisionTableTest.readDecisionTable(DecisionTableTest.java:60)

at com.sample.DecisionTableTest.main(DecisionTableTest.java:35)
I have attached my decision table, the relevant portion of the table is pasted. Would appreciate ponters in the right direction.
Thank you
  450_60_20_30 PROFIT PRICE 2  PRICE  < Relative 25 equal
  450_60_20_30 PROFIT STOCK 2  STOCK  B Absolute 5 equal
  450_60_20_30 PROFIT CONTRACT 2  CONTRACT  B Absolute 10 equal
  450_60_20_30 SERVICE FM 2 FM > Absolute 30 equal

function absoluteCompareFunction(int weight,String sign,String value, String compareValue ) double returnValue=0.0; if(value==null || compareValue==null) { return returnValue; } if(value.equalsIgnoreCase(compareValue)) { returnValue= weight; } end

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