Hi Steve,
Can you please gives us an example about what are you trying to achieve?�
Setting a variable in the LHS doesn't make sense for the common use cases. What we usually do is to bind a variable to a field from our facts, but that's it.


On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Stephen Masters <stephen.masters@me.com> wrote:

Stephen Masters <stephen.masters@me.com> wrote:

>Hi folks,
>I'm trying to set up rules where the RHS is able to refer to a value set in the LHS so that it can perform its logics slightly differently.
>I'm able to use $var to pick out fields from facts in working memory. However as far as I can tell I'm not able to set a new value.
>I'm setting up a DSL to drive guided rules in guvnor and in the RHS I need to know which value was picked from a drop down list in the LHS.
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