
   Not sure what you mean. If you want to know what is in there for debug purposes, I guess the best way is to implement your own average() accumulate function that prints out (or do whatever you want) with the bound variables/facts.

   For regular use, it does not makes sense to allow access to such variable because it is bound to multiple values. For instance:

$tot : Number() from accumulate(
    Order( $value : value ),
    sum( $value ) )

    This pattern will sum all the values from all the Order facts in the working memory. Lets imagine that it would be possible to access the $value variable outside the accumulate, what Order would it be bound to? So, it makes no sense...


2009/6/17 Chris Richmond <>

So how can I access variables that I have populated from within that scope delimiter(accumulate)?  For instance if I did want to access the delayTime, what strategy should be used?




From: [] On Behalf Of Edson Tirelli
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 11:49 AM
To: Rules Users List
Subject: Re: [rules-users] averages on different data types



   Remember that accumulate is a scope delimiter, meaning variables bound inside accumulate are not visible outside of it. The error message you see is the MVEL way of saying: non-existing variable (I guess you are using mvel as the dialect for the consequence).

   If you want to know what data objects are being inserted/expired from the working memory, use a working memory listener.


2009/6/17 Chris Richmond <>

Hi guys,


Building from the stockticker sample, I have been running my own average aggregates over time and window length and I have the following rule…it simply runs a last 10 average and outputs the average(in theory).


rule "show averages"



            $n : Number( doubleValue > 0 ) from accumulate (




            $mdo : MyDataObject($tm: delayTime) over window:length(10) from entry-point "DataObject stream",

            average( $tm )











I have set the limit to 0 for the average because I simply want to have it fire every time, no matter the average(they are all positive)



However I get this error:


Unable to build expression for 'consequence': Failed to compile: 1 compilation error(s):

 - (1,3) unqualified type in strict mode for: $tm '


' : [Rule name='show averages']



If I have the consequence




Then it outputs the average no problem, but I am trying to simply output that indifidual value, delayTime which I have stored in $tm is an integer, so I cannot figure out why I cannot output this value.    Similarly if I simply try as a consequence:


System.err.println($ mdo.delayTime);


I get a similar error.


What am I doing wrong?




rules-users mailing list

 Edson Tirelli
 JBoss Drools Core Development
 JBoss, a division of Red Hat @

rules-users mailing list

 Edson Tirelli
 JBoss Drools Core Development
 JBoss, a division of Red Hat @