Where ever you prefer.

Since it is a transient class used to pass values between rules you could declare it in your DRL.

However If the output has some value in your domain model there is an argument to have it as a member of your domain model.

My example was contrived and overly simple but it points you in the right direction.

On 15 November 2011 14:20, Zhao Yi <zhaoyi0113@gmail.com> wrote:
Where should I define the Output class, in Java code or drl file?

How about if the Output is only a int or double value? Must I wrap the value
into a Java class?

View this message in context: http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/How-to-use-a-temp-variable-accorss-multiple-rules-tp3509713p3509799.html
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