Hi for all and sorry for any duplication.

My team are starting a project where we will develop a tool to visualize metrics of a production rule base and show them in a 3D form.

Through this tool we want measure quality and conformity with good practices to help in detection of anomalies and ensure a good design of a knowledge base.

Other tools and studies already exists to visualize code and calculate metrics from java code. Examples are CodeCity (http://www.inf.usi.ch/phd/wettel/codecity.html), where java code is visualized using a city metaphor and Sonar where metrics are extracted from source code to help in code quality assurance (http://nemo.sonarsource.org/dashboard/index/327690).

So, my questions is:
1 - How much relevant you think this idea is?
2 - You know about other research in this area?

Thanks in advance.

Jackson Cunha Cassimiro (CereB)
Bacharel em Ciencia da Computação - UFPI
MSN: jackson.cereb@gmail.com
Telefone Móvel +55 86 9928 1251
Analista de Sistemas - Infoway - http://www.infoway-pi.com.br
Missão Infoway - "Influenciar a Gestão de Sistemas de Saúde através de e-health"

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