1. Thanks again, I will look at Drools Fusion. However I think my question was not really on CEP , it was more on that the subscription data is also now injected in the memory.
2. I am not sure if I understand you answer to the second point?

"Michal Bali" <michalbali@gmail.com>
Sent by: rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org

11/05/2008 11:18 AM
Please respond to
Rules Users List <rules-users@lists.jboss.org>

"Rules Users List" <rules-users@lists.jboss.org>
Re: [rules-users] DROOLS having RHS dynamic(5.0)

On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 2:36 PM, <shikha.x.aggarwal@jpmchase.com> wrote:

Thanks for the quick response. However I still have two questions -
1. Are we saying that we insert all user objects in the working memory alogn with the Event that arrives at runtime in the memory? What is the volume of data that the rules engine can handle in terms of these users in working memory?

correct, you may want to look at Drools Fusion, just search Drools blog for CEP, Complex Event Processing
AFAIK it can handle as many object as big is your memory :) especially true with the 'entry-point' support (a rule can see only events it needs to)
2. I am still confused if I donot use a rules engine (I dont have any work flows nor any complex logic), how can I have a dynamic way of doing this? Please remember that I can have one subscribed alert which says alert me when balance in account < 1000 other can say alert me when report A is available.
.. User has a list of subscribed rules - subscribedRules

Writing custome code around them would require adding this custom code every time a new subscription requirement arrives..

Would appreciate any inputs on the same.



"Michal Bali" <michalbali@gmail.com>
Sent by:

11/04/2008 05:53 PM

Please respond to
Rules Users List <

"Rules Users List" <rules-users@lists.jboss.org>
Re: [rules-users] DROOLS having RHS dynamic(5.0)


You could have a rule that will match on User as well as Data. This should prevent regenerating drl files

rule rule1
  $user:User( subscribedRules contains "rule1" )
  $data:Data(userId == $
  ... other conditions using $data.amount ...

Data is needed when a user wants to subscribe to one rule with different values.

However if you don't foresee any complex logic. I don't think there is a need for a rule engine.

Just my 2c.

Best Regards,

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 10:08 PM, <
shikha.x.aggarwal@jpmchase.com> wrote:


I am looking to use drools where I can have users subscribed to specific alerts. Hence for example -
I can have a rule like ->

Rule 1 -> amount < {amount}

Where {amount} is the value which the user defines at the time of subscribing, hence the user wants to recieve an alert when the amount in his account < {amount} that he just subscribed to.

I was trying to use the DROOLS template feature and was even able to succesfully execute this specific scenario. The use case I was executing is, when an event of type Rule 1 occurs , I get all users who are subscribed to rule 1, and then create a drl file for all of those users with there custom data substituted as part of {amount}. Now I fire the rules(note I have multiple rules one for each user} which executes for this specific event and gives the required results(The above example is just a sample example). My area of concerns are -

1. Is Rule engine really the platform I am looking at? As I dont have any complex logic , I just want to use some component which can evaluate my Events that arrive with different subscription rules?

2. If I regenearte the drl file every time an event arrives (I need to because every time a iff type of rule can fire and the list of subscribers can be different as well), this would have a performace impact as the rules are compiled and generated every time and not really cached?

Please let me know if the problem is not clear. Any help/inputs in this regard would be highly appreciated.



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