I think this has already been answered… a few times.



Both 4.0.5 and 4.0.6 where bad releases, poor QA, so we rolled back to 4.0.4.”


From: rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org [mailto:rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of mmquelo massi
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 5:52 AM
To: Rules Users List; rules-dev@lists.jboss.org
Subject: [rules-users] What the.... is happening?



Sorry guys,


but I can't understand why u released 4.0.5 a couple of weeks ago, then u suddenly released

a brand new "4.0.6" release few days ago (which I promptly downloaded) and now u put back again

the "4.0.4"....???....




What is the stable one????


Does the svn is working?? Should we build from repository or shouldn't we?


Looking forward to hearing any news on this matter....


Thank you anyway.



