I have a class and rule:

class CTestObj
        private double value;

        void setValue(double v) {
                this.value = v;

        double getValue() {
                return this.value;

rule "r1"
        p : CTestObj
        p.setValue( 1 / p.getValue() );

As you can see, in this rule, there is risk, to put into stateFulSession object with value set 0. I can't validate this, because, this problem has a variation where I put into stateFulSession object with set no 0, but the rule will modify it...
So - I can't validate this = fact with value 0 is correct.

But I process with stateFulSession many, many facts... For example 1000. And, after 900 facts it occurs, that fact number 901 has value set on 0. In effect I get an exception:  org.drools.runtime.rule.ConsequenceException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero. And ksession stops processing facts. But, 900 facts are processed! I don't want to process them second time.
And this is my question:

How can I know, which fact is first no-processed fact? Which one stoped fireAllRules method?
Beacuse I don't want to process them another time.

Greetings :)