
Guvnor is an authoring and repository environment not a runtime environment.

Please read about KnowledgeBuilder and its related "addResource" methods together with the ResourceType.PKG. You can also look at using KnowledgeAgent but for now an understanding of KnowledgeBuilder will suffice. I also recommend you read about rule invocation, as your example of how you expect operation "rules.execute" suggests you have not read the "Expert" documentation.

With kind regards,


On 20 April 2011 12:39, Mario Viertel <Mario.Viertel@medav.de> wrote:
Hi all,

I am new in Guvnor and have a lot of questions.
I have created a decision table with the Guvnor web app. I have also
created some test. All seems to be fine.

Now I want to use the rules in a web application. Unfortunately Guvnor
doesn't provide a web service interface so I must develop an own web
service to deal with the rules. But thats not so easy ...

In the Guvnor documentation I can see how to create KnowledgeBases and
builders and how to fire rules. But I cannot see how to receive rule


The decision table looks similar like this:

rule 1 "under age"
if person.age < 18 then "under age"

rule 2 "pensioner female"
if person.age > 64 and person.gender == "female" then "pensioner"

rule 3 "pensioner male"
if person.age > 67 and person.gender == "male" then "pensioner"

rule 4 "full age"
* then "full age"

In my java application I create a person object:

Person p = new Person();

Now I miss a method in the Guvnor api to exectute the rules and receive
the result like this:

Person result = (Person) rules.execute(p);

Can somebody explain how to execute a rule and receive the result.

Thanks in Advance
Mario Viertel
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