I’ve downloaded 5.2.0.M2 to test out known issues we were having in 5.1.1 and many of them appear to have been resolved.  One thing I noticed in 5.2.0.M2 is that when I import my exported 5.1.1 repository, the User Permissions tab appears to have lost any permissions I had setup under 5.1.1, including the administrator permissions for the admin user.


When I modify the components.xml to say true for role based permissions, I can no longer login to guvnor, I just keep getting user does not have permissions, never seeing the login prompt.


I have then gone back out and changed the components.xml to false, stopped and restarted Tomcat and Guvnor, logged in, added admin as an administrator, changed the roles based flag, stopped and restarted things, and get the same message that the user has no permissions.  This comes up without any login window asking for a user name.


Is there something about importing a 5.1.1 repository that is giving me issues here?  Is it Tomcat as the app server? Or are there known issues with roles based still and I should wait for CR1?


On another note, I love how snappy it feels in Safari.  Things look much more crisp overall.


Thank you!

