

Has the working of the “SessionInfo” changed from 5.1.M1 vs latest snapshot (18th Apr 2010).  I am using the JPA persistence to store the process instance along with the Human Task related data. What I noticed is that “SessionInfo” is getting updated whenever I execute the operation through the “SingleSessionCommandService”


public synchronized <T> T execute(GenericCommand<T> command) ---- this always leads to an update on “SessionInfo”, in 5.1.M1 it was not the case.


My use case is where I want to have only 1 global kind of session as I don’t store any state in the session – it’s just there to load any process instance – now due to update(always) on the sessionInfo, won’t there be concurrency issues ( as ‘optlock’ column is always changing – I guess it’s there for optimistic concurrency check)  as multiple process instances are being worked upon (the SQL for update that gets executed is).



        SESSION_INFO    set  last_modification_date=?,rules_byte_array=?,start_date=?,optlock=?     Where id=? and optlock=?


I don’t need multiple SessionInfo – is there a way to achieve this?


