If you have created a .drl file you can
kBuilder.add( ResourceFactory.newFileResource( "some.drl" ), ResourceType.DRL );
if( kBuilder.hasErrors() ){ ...}
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream( "some.pkg" );
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream( os );
oos.writeObject( kBuilder.getKnowledgePackages() );
That's now a serialized package. And so you can load this package into a Knowledge Base:
KnowledgeBase kBase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
InputStream is = new FileInputStream( "some.pkg" );
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( is );
Collection<KnowledgePackage> kpkgs = (Collection<KnowledgePackage>) ois.readObject();
kBase.addKnowledgePackages( kpkgs );
I am running a Drools Guvnor server. While it is not an issue to create
rules through the UI, I do have a need to create rules and packages
through a Java program that I am coding that will connect remotely to
the Guvnor server from another box. Does anyone know if this is this
possible? If so, could I get pointed in the right direction for making
this happen?
Thank You,
Scott McKee
rules-users mailing list