When I use the local drools rules instance, object gets updated and reflects the changes accordingly but when I use the remote web service call to use the remote drools engine, rules get executed correctly but updated values does not get reflected back in the return object.
Environment into:
Here’s the function that I use in the decision table (.xls)
function boolean setCTCFlag(Object resultViewMapObj, String siteCode){
boolean flag = false;
Map<String, ResultView> resultViewMap = (Map<String, ResultView>) resultViewMapObj;
List<ResultView> resultViewList = new ArrayList<ResultView>();
resultViewList = new ArrayList<ResultView> (resultViewMap.values());
ResultView resultView = new ResultView();
resultView = resultViewList.get(0);
if(resultView.getSampleView().getSample() != null){
String sampleInd = resultView.getSampleView().getSample().getSampleIndicator();
if(sampleInd != null && sampleInd.length() != 0){
String[] sampleIndComp = sampleInd.split(""[^\\w\\s]"");
for(int i = 0; i<sampleIndComp.length; i++){
LabelValueView labelValueView = new LabelValueView();
labelValueView.setValue(" ");
// DOTO: this is the issue
// folowing line gets executed but changes do not get reflected in the object.
// Only happens when this called remotely.
resultView.getDynamicFields().put("CTC_CLIENT_FLAG", labelValueView);
flag = true;
return flag;