Same thing here. Count on me for that! It is a good excuse to visit London :)

Best Regards,


Esteban Aliverti
- Developer @
- Blog @

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Mario Fusco <> wrote:
That sounds a great idea.
I don't come to London since too much time now, so I'd finally have a very good reason to come :)
I am also looking forward to meet the other guys of the Drools team in person.


On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Mauricio Salatino <> wrote:
Count with me for that.. I always willing to do this kind of hackatons
and long coding nights..
Mark is it time to create a Drools User Group in London? a Drools Lab maybe?

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 8:07 AM, Mark Proctor <> wrote:
> I've tried to organise these before, last time I had one person turn up :)
> I live in London and Michael Anstis is near by. Mauricio Salatino will be
> moving near by in March too. If there are people who are genuinely
> interested in learning to hack/improve Drools&jBPM&Guvnor, and not just
> after free consultancy, we can arrange days and evenings in London. The Red
> Hat office is on Baker Street and has a room suitable for about 8 people.
> I live in Chiswick and will gladly meet up with anyone at any time there,
> night or day. I regularly work from nero's of starbucks :)
> Also remember the entire Drools&jBPM&Guvnor team is always available on irc.
> Mark
> On 03/02/2012 15:49, Stephen Masters wrote:
> Hi folks,
> As with Mark's response on OSGI this morning, there have been a number of
> answers to questions on this list that mention that components are either
> not currently being worked on, or which request that users contribute new
> features or patches.
> It tends not to be that easy to get to grips with a large open source
> project, so recently the London Java Community organised an OpenJDK hack
> session ( where
> they were helping people to build the projects and working on some
> 'low-hanging-fruit' issues. And apparently the session produced around 20
> patches, which seems pretty impressive to me given that it was just a 3-hour
> evening session.
> There seems to be a reasonable number of Drools developers and users in or
> near London, although I'm not sure about other locations. So I was wondering
> how feasible it might be to organise something similar around Drools.
> Obviously it would need a combination of some core developers prepared to
> spend some of their time helping folks such as myself get to grips with
> building and testing things, and enough developers interested in spending
> their spare time learning their way around the internals of the various
> Drools components. The London JBoss User Group set up a JBoss AS7 hackathon
> last year, so perhaps there might be someone there who would be prepared to
> help out?
> Any thoughts?
> Steve
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