i use drools 5.0 and i have a big problem while i try to write a rule in xml format.
my example rule is the follow:
<rule-set name="cheese rules"
xs:schemaLocation="http://drools.org/rules rules.xsd
http://drools.org/semantics/java java.xsd">

<rule name="Bob Likes Cheese">
<parameter identifier="bob">
<java:condition>bob.likesCheese() == true</java:condition>
System.out.println( "Bob likes cheese." );


and editor (eclipse) show me this error and im unable to run program:
[1,0]: [ERR 101] Line 1:0 no viable alternative at input '<'
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not parse knowledge.
    at com.sample.DroolsTest.readKnowledgeBase(DroolsTest.java:67)
    at com.sample.DroolsTest.main(DroolsTest.java:24)

someone know how to fix it? is this cause eclipse see the '<' as a boolean operator and not as xml opening tag?

thanks in advice.