You are getting an error at run time. Make sure you include all the required drools jars in your run time class path. THis will resolve the issue. If you are using an eclipse launch config, it is very easy to set the class path jars.
You need to know that compile time libraries and run time libraries have to indicated separately.

On 7/19/07, Mohammed JBossRules <> wrote:

I'm a new user for JBossRules, and I'm feeling like turning around since
a while, so i thought that sole body could help...
I'm using JBossRules(V4.0.0.12865MR3) on eclipse (Version: 3.3.0 Build
id: I20070621-1340) on MS-Windows XP and  Java(TM) SE Runtime
Environment (build 1.6.0_01-b06)
now the problem is how to use my rules (simple rules in a DRL file) in a
dynamic project based on JSP/Servlets...
i've imported the compiler, the core, jsr94, decisiontable, and also the
core 3.2.3 jars to my build path , but when i try to execute the same
code i'm having errors like:
The import org.drools cannot be resolved
but i have imported the core!!
what's wrong? help please

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