I have a doubt regarding Drools changeSet.xml file.
As in ChangeSet.xml file we define or give the URL/PCK/file Path to read our Rule file or workflow file.
Now Lets suppose I have an application deployed and is runnning using Drools Workflow.
Now I change the workflow file(.rf) file.
So my doubt is:
1. Do I need to redeploy/restart the application as to incorporate the changed workflow ?
2. Will the KnowledgeBase automatically get notified of the change of the workflow ?
3. Will the StatefullKnowledge session object will get notified about the changed workflow or do I need to create
new StatefullKnowledge session ?
I read the documentation , In that I got to know about KnowledgeAgent class, which automatically checks for any change in the workflow/ rule file. i.e. 60 sec(default).
Will this class will fulfill my doubts ?
Thanks & Regards
Pradeep Ruhil