Did you mean that you are getting a new KnowledgeBase from the agent?
But wouldn't the KnowledgeAgent be created as part of an application, by application code. Why should it ever be recreated, changes in the knowledge base or no changes?
-W2011/10/14 Michael Anstis <michael.anstis@gmail.com>
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From: <ayon.chakraborty@genworth.com>
Date: 14 October 2011 12:43
Subject: Ocassional Refresh of Knowledgeagent (Only If There is any Change)
Hi Michael,
I am using ResourceChangeScannerService to scan the resources in our application. But it seems that after every specified interval we get a new KnowledgeAgent(whether it is changed or not). Is there any way where I can check using some Listener only if there is any change or the package is built in guvnor only then we can get a new Knowledgeagent.
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