
   I think there maybe a confusion here. You can create the full descriptor tree without any problems, since that's what the parser does. Just create the AND tree for the LHS and set it to your RuleDescr and after that add it to the PackageDescr.

   When in doubt, look at what the parser does. Here you can see the ANTLR grammar for DRL files:

   Hope it helps.


2007/5/18, Niloy Debnath <>:
hi ,

i want to convert a DRL file into its equivalent XML file using JbossRules-3.0.5. i have used two methods for this conversion

Method 1:

In this method i've taken a DRL file as an input and converted it into its equivalent XML file. i've attached a sample program named FibonacciDrl2Xml which will help you to understand my first method.

Method 2:

In this method i dont want to take any rule file as an input. i want to create the rule objects and through dump method of XmlDumper class i want to convert it into XML

now problem arises here...i can bind the RHS part with PackageDescr but not the LHS part because we can not bind LiteralDescr,FieldBindingDescr,ColumnDescr etc with the PackageDescr and dump method only take PackageDescr object as a i've modified the existing XmlDumper class as per my requirement and converted HelloWorldExample into its equivalent XML.

i've attached HelloWorldXml file which will give you a clear view about my program where i created the rule objects and xmlDump which is modified version of XmlDumper as per my requirement .

now i need to make xmlDump class more generic for method 2. How do i do that? i've tried lot but i failed. i need your help.

thanking you,
with regards,
Niloy Debnanth

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  Edson Tirelli
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