2009/7/8 Mark Proctor <mproctor@codehaus.org>:
Alexandre Russel wrote:
is creating workflow with guvnor planned in the near future ? Where can I
find an updated roadmap ?
Something is being worked on, we are continue to explore gwt-diagrams and
also now looking into Oryx. We hope to have something, but no timelines yet.
we might be interested in helping/contributing but I couldn't find
anything in the sources. Is there nothing commited yet or is it in
another branch ?
I didn't know Oryx, it looks very interesting and it seems that we
would just need to save the diagram created with onyx to the JCR
maybe with some xslt before.
In drools-guvnor there is already code that uses GWT-Diagrams to render
a .drf, that work was going to be extended to make the diagrams
editable. However we are evaluating Oryx at the moment (no actual work
has been done) I have a strong feeling we'll move to that for web based
diagrams. If you where able to get started on this for us and maybe do
a proof of concept, for a few nodes, that would be great :) We need to
make sure that we can do two things - open oryx in full screen mode for
editable, and embedded oryx (just the diagram no menus/palletes) for