Hi everyone!
we have made other tow tests:
1 - As suggested by Vincent, we have just used the source gets from Guvnor and all work fine.
In addition, it would seem that putting observations and events in the same package all work fine!!!
2 - We have tried to put the observation in the same packet of event in the model and the new drl becomes:
from package org.dfms.model; to package org.dfms.model.situation;
from import org.dfms.model.observation.ACObservation; to import org.dfms.model.situation.ACObservation;
import org.dfms.model.situation.AccessControlEvent;
import org.dfms.model.situation.SituationManager;
import org.dfms.model.situation.Event;
import org.dfms.model.mapfeature.AccessControlPoint;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
declare ACObservation
declare AccessControlEvent
rule "AccessControl"
$obs : ACObservation( $sensorid : sensorId, $location : location ) over window:length(1) from entry-point access_control
insert( SituationManager.createAccessControlEvent( $obs, "Access Control Detection", Event.THREAT_NO, $location, $sensorid ));
then we have loaded the pkg from Guvnor (by this link
into our application and all work fine!!!
Thank you and best regards.
> Our application is using this url: http://localhost:8080/guvnor/org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor/package/org.dfms.model/LATEST
> to loading from Guvnor5.3.0 the pkg. Is it correct?
Yes, to get the compiled package, compiled inside Guvnor, but this is the problem here.
The compiled package is a serialized kPackage object. When you get this from guvnor, and put it inside your kBase, the object is simply deserialized. The ObjectTypeConf conf.getTypeDeclaration() will look in the kBase, and for guvnor compiled package this method returns null (don't know why). I think you may have a difference between your Guvnor version and the drools runtime version.
You can either use the source got from guvnor (http://localhost:8080/guvnor/rest/packages/org.dfms.model/source) to build your kBase, and this should work fine.
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