We’re having some troubling problems that can be best
explained by the following two rules. Based on the facts inserted into
the stateful knowledge session, we expected both rules to fire for an Hmm Hit
to TIGR00549, but only the “Test” rule fires. Can anyone explain
how this could possibly occur? There are no other rules added to the
knowledge base. This was tested using Drools 5.0 on Windows XP and Linux
rule "HMM Hit"
hit : HmmHit( aboveTrustedHit == true )
p : FeatureProperty( id == hit.hitId )
f : Feature ( featureId == hit.queryId, properties not contains p )
if (hit.getHitId().equals("TIGR00549")) {
System.err.println("HMM Hit rule: " + hit.getHitId() + " " + hit.getQueryId());
rule "Test"
hit : HmmHit( aboveTrustedHit == true, hitId == "TIGR00549")
p : FeatureProperty( id == hit.hitId )
f : Feature ( featureId == hit.queryId, properties not contains p )
System.err.println("Test rule: " + hit.getHitId()
+ " " + hit.getQueryId());
Notably, this error is dependent on the amount and/or order
of facts loaded into the knowledge session although we’re talking <
20k facts total. We have repeatedly found problems when running
system-level tests of our production rules that do not appear when we run our
unit tests, with issues such as this one that only show up after loading some
number of facts that are unrelated to the particular fact in question. It’s
difficult to debug because we can see that fact handles that satisfy the when
conditions are in the knowledge session (i.e. the same facts that fulfill the
Test rule), but we do not have any obvious way to debug why the expected HMM
Hit rule does not fire.