6.0 doesn't have a global area... so in that respect it is fixed.

In 6.0 shared libraries (containing items, rules, types etc) would be uploaded to a central repository and added as dependencies to individual projects.

We should (we don't yet) ensure removing a library from the repository checks for usage before allowing removal.

On 31 May 2013 14:30, Fair, Joe <Joe.Fair@level3.com> wrote:

We've been using Guvnor 5.4 for about 6 months.  We've brought on a lot of new people recently, and it's difficult to tell/remind them that archiving a package with a jar from the global area archives that jar in all the other packages, too.

I can't find any indication that this is fixed in the 5.x versions.  Does anybody know if it's fixed in 6.x?


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