Sure, what's your nic?

On 6 March 2014 15:58, Joe White <> wrote:

Maybe we can chat about it sometime in IRC. There is a chance I’ll be able to get some dev effort on something like that in Q2 that we could contribute back (no promises though). Ping me if you have a minute.


From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Anstis
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 8:25 AM

To: Rules Users List
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Some basic questions/assumptions on Drools Work-bench/Guvnor


> some rule lifecycle management into the workbench itself


This is on our road map.


On 6 March 2014 15:08, Joe White <> wrote:

On the topic of #7.


We are just adopting the Drools 6.x setup to achieve the goal you mention of business users creating and deploying business rules on their own.


The challenge is allowing your users to deploy in a targeted way since the drools workbench (DWB) doesn’t have the concept of a deployment scope (dev, stage, prod). Here is my current thinking on managing lifecycle in 6.x:


Application Setup:

-          Create separate maven repositories for SNAPSHOT vs fixed version  deployments and point your installed applications to those different repositories.

o   KIEScanners in test applications will point to snapshot versions.

o   KIEScanners in prod will point to version ranges like [1.3.0, 1.4.999]

-          Developers design and create package structure. Very important since a new Project in the DWB will require a software release

-          Developers design and create decision tables or guided rules for business users.


Business User SDLC flow:

-          User creates new rules in decision tables

-          User validates new rules and runs analysis on rules in the DWB

-          When a user wants to test their rules they create a snapshot from the DWB and deploy it . Jar gets deployed to only the snapshot repo

-          User tests their new rules in the stage system (auto picked up from KIEScanner)

-          Once they are happy they remove the SNAPSHOT designation, increment version, and deploy to prod (all in DWB)

-          Users tests their new rules in prod (auto picked up from KIEScanner)


A relatively sophisticated business user should be able to manage versioning in the DWB with a little training. I’m looking for other options as well if people have any.


Once we are successful with this I suspect we may try and build some rule lifecycle management into the workbench itself and contribute it back. But it is a longer term project.



From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Anstis
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 1:27 PM
To: Rules Users List
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Some basic questions/assumptions on Drools Work-bench/Guvnor


6) Incorrect (well, almost.. read on). "Real time" would imply instant, zero latency, whereas for many use cases "close to real time" is often sufficient. If you read about KieScanner you will find you can have your application poll for updates to JARs* at a frequency you so desire.

(*) There are certain caveats that relate to standard maven best practice; for example if your JAR has a static version number (e.g. 1.0.0) you should not be changing its content (wheras a -SNAPSHOT is expected to change).

7) Drools itself does not impose any SDLC; you can use whatever you wish. Others who have used Drools in their applications may detail their experiences.

Sent on the move

On 5 Mar 2014 19:58, "arvidj" <> wrote:

Sorry for follow-on basic questions. I am starting from scratch and therefore
do not have any Drools experience.

Already answered ...

1) Drools workbench/Guvnor is not a replacement for Eclipse.* - Correct*
2) Geeks like me develop the applications in Eclipse* - Correct*
3) Drools workbench will be mainly used by the Rule authors (Business
Analysts etc) once I set it up for them.* - Correct*
4) The anslysts will author the rules and test it in the workbench.* -
5) They will build the DRLs into a jar and I include it as a dependency in
my POM.xml.*  - Correct*

Additional questions because I am new to Drools

6) Based on the answer to (5) the concept of "real time rule replacement"
does not exist. After the rules jar has been put into the Maven repository I
need to build my application and deploy it ... i.e. stop the currently
running application, remove it, install the new application and restart it.

7) If someone can point me at high level documentation related to "the
complete Drools 6.0 rule software development lifecycle" ... i.e. from rule
creation to actually executing in a production environment ... I would
appreciate it.

I have been asked to do a Proof of Concept. There is the impression I will
be able to prove that "the business will be able to create their own rules
and deploy them into production without any IT intervention". I do not
believe this to be the case ... best SDLC practices not withstanding ... but
have not been able to find a Drools SDLC picture that shows all of the steps


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