Does RedHat provide support in the UK as well?

My customer was directed by RedHat to a 3rd party company for Drools support.

Chris Selwyn

On 09/11/2010 16:11, Tihomir Surdilovic wrote:
On 11/9/10 10:31 AM, Miguel Fernando Cabrera wrote:
Hello to all,

In my company (an insurance company in Colombia) and we are evaluating various BRMS. 
We have been  testing iLog JRules and now we are evaluating Drools Expert/Guvnor (or JBoss BRMS).
As I  am  an open source guy,  I want to use Drools.   As we use a lot of open source libraries right now (like CXF) is easy for me to use the BRE as a library.
However,  when planning to use a full BRMS like Guvnor, we will need someone to install and support it. 
The obvious choice would be  Red Hat / JBoss, However we have tried  to contact sales department but it has been impossible to get an aswer from them.

So, my question is, Does Anyone know a company (could be the states or south america) willing to provide the installation and support services for the BRMS and the maybe the BRE ?

I really appreciate any help on the matter.

Miguel Fernando Cabrera Granados
"A los hombres fuertes les pasa lo que a los barriletes; se elevan cuando es
mayor el viento que se opone a su ascenso." - José Ingenieros
_______________________________________________ rules-users mailing list
Could you post your contact info here or directly to me ( and I'll see to make sure someone gets in contact with you from the RedHat sales. RedHat provides great support for JBoss BRMS.

_______________________________________________ rules-users mailing list

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