What version of Drools are u using?

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Andrea H. <Andrea.Hackmann@t-systems.com> wrote:

Dear all,
I have a problem when using the operator "matches" in the Guided Rule
I can use the operator from the drop down list, but when saving the rule,
the tabs "BRL Source" and "Generated DRL" show me that the operator has not
been used at all. Instead, the "operator" tag is left out completely in the
BRL source.
If I choose a different operator, e.g. "is equal to", save, and switch back
to "matches" (and save again), than the BRL source still shows the operator
If I however edit the BRL source itself to contain "matches", the rule works
fine in my application.
Strange enough, if I use "and matches" in a multi-part-condition on one
attribute, there does not seem to be this problem (the BRL says "&amp;&amp;
matches"). It seems to be only a problem if the "matches" operator comes in
the first assertion line for an attribute.
I would be really grateful if anyone had an idea on this behaviour, since I
seem to be quite lost!
Thanks in advance,
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Using-%22matches%22-in-Guided-Rule-Editor-%28BRL%29-tp22438549p22438549.html
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