Started new model in Guvnor and declared two fact types.  Nothing else involved.  Source code that is provided from Guvnor is shown below.  But when I try to build the package, or create a scenario, I get error [package configuration problem] Error creating field accessors for "Hemodynamics" for type "Hemodynamics" and similar error for the other object.  Here is the source that is available after buildling the snapshot (even though it refused to build):

package vasoactive.decision declare Hemodynamics SystolicBP: Integer DiastolicBP: Integer CentralVenousPressure: Integer CurrentDopamineDosePerKg: java.math.BigDecimal end declare HemodynamicDecisionState DetectedHypotension: Boolean DetectedLowCVP: Boolean DetectedNormotension: Boolean DetectedHypertension: Boolean RecommendedStartDopamine: Boolean RecommendedDecreaseDopamine: Boolean RecommendedIncreaseDopamine: Boolean end

Any assistance greatly appreciated.