If you use a StatelessKnowledgeSession you won't need to remove the old facts.

If however you want to use a StatefulKnowledgeSession for other reasons the insert method returns a FactHandle that can be later used to retrieve the fact: ksession.retract(factHandle). Please refer to the documenation for more details.

On 20 October 2010 16:35, nkumar <nkumar@objectwave.com> wrote:


I want to delete the objects which i inserted earlier to execute the rules
upon. Why i want this is i have two lists containing 20 objects of two
different classes. for every combination i am assigning some values to the
class variables in the rule file. So at any single time i want to execute
rule on a single set of 2 classes.

ksession.insert(object1 of class1)
ksession.insert(object1 of class2)

then next time i want this on

ksession.insert(object1 of class1)
ksession.insert(object2 of class2)

and so on..

I can insert all the objects once and can execute the rules on the objects
but i have to save result of each combination in the list. No matter what
the output is.

Please suggest how can i solve this. if i have to insert only 2 objects at a
time then after inserting an object,there is no use to insert that again. So
how can i remove the objects from the memory after executing the rules.

Thansk...appreciate your help.
View this message in context: http://drools-java-rules-engine.46999.n3.nabble.com/How-can-i-delete-any-object-after-executing-the-rules-from-the-memory-tp1739477p1739477.html
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