rule "Area_SquareFt_01_10-01-09_12-31-14"
date-effective "01-Oct-2009" date-expires "31-Dec-2014" salience 6
no-loop true
eval(BusinessLogic.gettest("Inside Area_SquareFt_01_10-01-09_12-31-14 executed"))
objectP2483 : Para_2483( (fid2335=="Block") && (fid2336=="16") );
System.out.println("Area_SquareFt_01_10-01-09_12-31-14 executed");
objectP2483.setFid31003(new Double(497)); end
here My 31003 is a String field but i am assigning a Double in it so that should'nt
work . But the problem is because of this my all remmaning rules also stoped working.
And it took 2 hours to detect it because the execute() method dosent through any error.
So how can we detect these situation earlier ,so as to catch the problem early and why my the remm
rules stoped woking because on this.
Would you please turn your screen a little more to the left and enlarge the font so
that we can see what "mistake" you have made and what the error message is?
It would also help if we could see when this "mistake" happens.
2010/5/3 Puneet duggal <>
_______________________________________________@ friends,i am facing a problem in my business rules and it is :-when i make single mistake in my business rule rest all rulesstops working ,why is it so ? and how can i detect which exact business rule is havingerrorthanksPuneet
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