Thanks a lot. I am thinking about comding to Drools boot camp in Dallas? In late October. If not that one than the next one. Will you be there? I feel it would be beneficial to have some time to get over the hump with using Drools and Fusion to its full potential. That way I can give you guys my use cases and discuss a proper Drools strategy.
From: rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org [mailto:rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Edson Tirelli
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 4:45 AM
To: Rules Users List
Subject: Re: [rules-users] retrieving streams/entry points from java api
That is indeed missing in the public API. I am adding it as we speak, thanks for bringing that up:
Meanwhile, until we release the new version, the workaround is to downcast the interface:for(WorkingMemoryEntryPoint entry : session.getWorkingMemoryEntryPoints()){
System.err.println("entry point stream: " +
2009/9/29 Chris Richmond <crichmond@referentia.com>
I am trying to determine, iterate the working memory streams within my rule by doing the following:
for(WorkingMemoryEntryPoint entry : session.getWorkingMemoryEntryPoints()){
System.err.println("entry point stream: " + entry.toString());
But I can find no method/way to finid the actual text name of the entry point(what is written in the rule as from entry-point xxxx).
Is there a way to do this? To list the readable names of the entry points from your session? I would like to list those entry points in a drop down as application profiles, so if they have one selected, one entry point of rules will be inserted to and so on..
rules-users mailing list
Edson Tirelli
JBoss Drools Core Development
JBoss by Red Hat @ www.jboss.com
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