
I was looking at Flows Diagram properties and I could see the 'swinlanes' property. In the human task properties I could see the properties 'swimlane' and 'actorId'.

And I could see that on class org.drools.task.TaskServiceSession  there are a addUser() and addGroup() methods, but there isn't any relationship between those classes.... 

I would like to understand how will Drools Flow treat the relationship betweem Users, Group and Swimlanes. 

Is the swinlane a conceptual thing mapped by the Group class? And how can Drools Flows knows the Potencial Owner of a process?

thanks for your help

ps. Im building a little swing example application for testing the flows and human tasks capabilities (connecting to flows server, open a session, fire some process, etc). After I've it done and if you guys wanted I could share it. How is the best way to do that? 
