
I am new to Drools and learning it by reading "Drools JBoss Rules 5.0 Developer's Guide" at the moment.

However, the test cases of chapter 3 was failed when execute with Drools 5.1.0.CR1.

I suspect the test is broken due to the sequential option enabled with code block below:
    KnowledgeBaseConfiguration configuration =
You can view the complete code at http://code.google.com/p/droolsbook/source/browse/trunk/droolsBookParent/validation/src/test/java/droolsbook/bank/service/impl/ValidationTest.java

Is this code block compatible with Drools 5.1? As it is working without any problem in 5.0.1.

If it is incompatible, I would like to know how to migrate it to Drools 5.1.0.

Please advice.

Chee Kin