Hi Vikram,

Could you provide the source code so that we can reproduce the problem?

Best regards,

2009/7/13 Vikram Pancholi <vikram.pancholi@gmail.com>
   I am using version 5.1.0 Snapshot for compiler , api and core. My requirement is as follows
1) Process A -- Main process --loops continuousy though a series of actions / splits and joins ...
   there is a split constraint written which uses the level (mentioned below).
2) Process B -- Sub  process  is as follows
2)within process b, i m creating a timer task and sceduling it at say 1000 to insert a fact named  Etrigger.
3)Event wait ;;-- waits for Etrigger
4)Increase the value of variable ..say level from 0 -> 1.
5)End the subprocess
But as soon as i insert the fact Etrigger looping of process A hungs up.
I tried using other options as well namely using fusion to insert the Etrigger, but it doesnt expire even after giving expiry of 1 ms . And i cannot confgure timer delay using a variable.
Thanks and Regards
Vikram Pancholi

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