Hello again,
I'm back on my problem and a colleague of mime suggested me the following rule instead :
# declare events
declare Operation
rule "overActivity"
dialect "mvel"
#condition : 2 operation in less than 1 minute
$operation1 : Operation($ipAddress1 : ipAddress)
from entry-point "OperationStream"
$operation2 : Operation(this != $operation1, ipAddress == $ipAddress1,
this after[ 0s,30s ] $operation1) from entry-point "OperationStream"
System.out.println("over-active user " + $ipAddress1 );
It works, and the main difference is the use of after[] instead of window:time()
Is it because the window:time() was used outside of an accumulate() function ?
I'd just like to understand this.
If anyone can take a few minutes to answer, thank you in advance
Best regards,
Hello Wolfgang,
sorry, I wasn't available yesterday.
I just followed your instructions:
Here's my test method now :
public void testActivity() throws IOException, ParseException,
InterruptedException {
// parse the log file
Resource logFile = new ClassPathResource(
// converter and inject tracks in the session,
List<String> logLines = FileUtils.readLines(logFile.getFile(),
LOGGER.info("loading events");Operation previousOperation = null;
// load events from stream
for (String logLine : logLines) {
Operation operation = LineConverterUtil.getOperation(logLine);
Assert.assertFalse("Current operation equals() previous one",previousOperation = operation;
Assert.assertFalse("Current operation == previous one",
operation == previousOperation);
LOGGER.debug("Moving clock from "
+ (new Date(clock.getCurrentTime())).toString() + " to "
+ operation.getDate());
- clock.getCurrentTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// clock.advanceTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
LOGGER.debug("Inserting " + operation);session.fireAllRules();
FactHandle operationHandle = entryPoint.insert(operation);
LOGGER.debug("Insertion done: " +
LOGGER.info("done with events");
// check...
Assert.assertTrue("Rule not fired...", listener
And the logs in the console :Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|INFO ||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|loading
Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Moving
clock from Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 CET 1970 to Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010Console> 2010-05-19
09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Inserting Operation
[date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1, hostname=server1,Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|WARN
ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0, responseSize=0]
||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectInserted|Object inserted: [eventConsole> 2010-05-19
fid:1:1:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,
hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0,
09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Insertion done: [event
fid:1:1:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Moving
hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0,
clock from Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010 to Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010Console> 2010-05-19
09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Inserting Operation
[date=Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010, executionTime=164, hostname=server1,Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|WARN
ipAddress=, operation=CONSULTATION, requestSize=1299,
||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectRetracted|Object retracted:Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|WARN
[event fid:1:1:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:26:47 CEST 2010,
executionTime=1, hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null,
requestSize=0, responseSize=0]]
||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectInserted|Object inserted: [eventConsole> 2010-05-19
fid:2:2:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010, executionTime=164,
hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=CONSULTATION,
requestSize=1299, responseSize=895]]
09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Insertion done: [event
fid:2:2:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010, executionTime=164,Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Moving
hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=CONSULTATION,
requestSize=1299, responseSize=895]]
clock from Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010 to Fri Apr 30 18:28:47 CEST 2010Console> 2010-05-19
09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Inserting Operation
[date=Fri Apr 30 18:28:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1, hostname=server1,Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|WARN
ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0, responseSize=0]
||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectRetracted|Object retracted:Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|WARN
[event fid:2:2:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:27:11 CEST 2010,
executionTime=164, hostname=server1, ipAddress=,
operation=CONSULTATION, requestSize=1299, responseSize=895]]
||TrackingWorkingMemoryEventListener.objectInserted|Object inserted: [eventConsole> 2010-05-19
fid:3:3:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:28:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,
hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0,
09:57:06|DEBUG||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|Insertion done: [event
fid:3:3:Operation [date=Fri Apr 30 18:28:47 CEST 2010, executionTime=1,Console> 2010-05-19 09:57:06|INFO ||DroolsRulesTestCase.testActivity|done
hostname=server1, ipAddress=, operation=null, requestSize=0,
with events
Strangely, the first operation is retracted when the second one is inserted,
yet, they are not equals()...
View this message in context: http://drools-java-rules-engine.46999.n3.nabble.com/Drools-Fusion-Can-t-detect-2-occurrences-with-sliding-window-tp823141p828505.html
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