Hi there,


I’m in need to modify the Drools BRMS to use a JCR exposed over JNDI.


I successfully deployed Jackrabbit over JNDI (I can access it via an EJB and making a context.lookup()), but I can’t get it to work in JBRMS. I modified the BRMSRepositoryConfiguration.create() to instantiate a context and to make a lookup on it, but my lookup returns null (with no naming exceptions), even if I’m deploying the war on the same application server where the Jackrabbit rar is deployed.


I wonder if anybody on this mailing list has similar experiences to share, and/or can suggest me some tricks. Google didn’t helped a lot.


I’m using Drools 4.0.7 on JBoss 4.2.1.


Thank you.



Emanuele Blanco

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