Hello, where can I download the project source? 
I'm implementing a similar system except it is a board game.

2011/1/12 Andrew Waterman <awaterma@ecosur.mx>
Great blog, cool paper.  Thanks Mark!


On Jan 10, 2011, at 5:11 PM, Mark Proctor wrote:

> http://blog.athico.com/2011/01/mythic-game-project-addition-artificial.html
> "In this project, we describe the design decisions and principles behind
> the arti cial intelligence (AI) for a multiplayer online role playing
> game, and our use of an expert system to implement it. We explain how we
> organize AI rules into les, how those rules are assembled from a
> database, how AI is assigned to entities, the di erent types of AI, the
> di erent phases of AI, and how we manage facts used by AI. We also
> review some of the history behind the Mythic project, where it is
> headed, what an expert system is and why we chose to use one for our
> project. The result of our project is a design that allows us to have
> diverse AI behavior and exibility to reuse code to create new behaviors,
> but may prove to be ineffcient if implemented on systems with many
> players or many instances of AI running."
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