On 11 April 2012 17:47, groovenarula <gnarula1@la-z-boy.com> wrote:

But 'wow - we've spent several hours trying to resolve this on our own. And
we did not want to post before we confirmed that we've taking care of all
the obvious..

Laudable, but if it works in 5.x, it ought to work in 5.x+1. With this, you won't
get scolded when you address the list right away ;-)


But seriously - someone is advocating that MVEL use an 'algorithm' to add
semicolons to the code - I don't know if that's such a good idea - IMHO,
it's going create more frustrating situations like these than it's going to
solve. Just my opinion though.....

If it were possible to do it right, we wouldn't have semicolons in Java, we
wouldn't have semicolons in C++, we wouldn't have semicolons in C,...
