(I found a reply to this on Nabble; it never came through the email gateway, and Nabble won't let me reply directly using its interface. Anyhow, the replier wanted to know what Git URL I used since he said that drools-ruleml was not under the droolsjbpm umbrella.)
I am a hopeless git newbie. Here's what I did to attempt to come up with that information:
Laird-Nelsons-MacBook-Pro:drools-ruleml ljnelson$ git remote -v
origin git://github.com/droolsjbpm/drools.git (fetch)
origin git://github.com/droolsjbpm/drools.git (push)
I hope that helps.
I just did a git pull on the drools repositories and noticed that at least one of the projects has the target directory checked in. Was this intentional?
My apologies if this is a known issue or deliberate. It just struck me as odd, that's all.
Arbitrary excerpt:
create mode 100644 drools-ruleml/target/test-classes/ruleml/translator/TestDataModel$Sell.class
create mode 100644 drools-ruleml/target/test-classes/ruleml/translator/TestDataModel.class
create mode 100644 drools-ruleml/target/test-classes/ruleml/translator/TestDrools2RuleML.class
create mode 100644 drools-ruleml/target/test-classes/ruleml/translator/TestRuleML2Drools.class
create mode 100644 drools-ruleml/target/test-classes/ruleml/translator/Util.class