I am a beginner with drools, sorry, if the question is too trivial.

I have two drl files A and B. Both they validate the instance of the same type T, but produce the different output.
I call the drool A within one business flow and drool B within another flow.

Before now I ran them locally, creating two separate KnowledgeBases, and everything worked fine. Now I want to use the Guvnor.

If I put them to the same package and run:
I will get the KnowledgeBase that contains them both, I believe. According to my understanding, because they process the instance of the same type, I cannot use such KnowledgeBase.

What should I do? Is it any API that allows to distinguish the KnowelageBases for the different drools within the same package or I need to put them to the different packages?

Thank you!