---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ronald R. DiFrango <ron.difrango@gmail.com>
Date: May 24, 2007 10:48 AM
Subject: More Fun with JBoss Rules IDE and JBoss Rules in general
To: user@drools.codehaus.org


I am now getting the following error:

The type Rule_RNR_Qty____RNR_Adjustment_Qty___100__Tolerance_0 is already defined    RtvDecisionEngine/src/rules/com/circuitcity/rtvcrms/rules    rtv.drl    line 758    1180017847586    29221

But I do not have this defined twice, well at least not in my mind.  Here are the two rule names that are conflicting:

"RNR Qty == RNR Adjustment Qty : 100% Tolerance"
"RNR Qty >= RNR Adjustment Qty : 100% Tolerance"

So it appears as though the rule names are not taking into account "special" characters.

Is this to be expected?
