

I am implementing temporal rules using drools fusión 6.0.1 and the new KIE services api. I insert facts into the kie session that include some DATE fields which I later use in the rules. I also insert events using the pseudoclock, so I guess that means that the timestamp is kept  in long format.

The consequence is that my temporal rules do not fire at all! I have no @timestamp annotation in the declare of the event, so Drools internal clock should be used as timestamp.


I have displayed  the value of the pseudoclock getCurrentTime method, and the output shows a date of 1970:



I need to understand why the clock.getTime returns dates of 1970, maybe when this is solved the rules will fire with the internal event timestamp.


(After that I have tried every possible combination: creating a date or long field in the event fact representing the timestamp, converting long to date and viceversa, but nothing seems to work..).


I enclose here the initialization that I do of the kieContainer and session:



public static void main(final String[] args) {

             try {


                    // load up the knowledge base

                    KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();

                    KieContainer kContainer = ks.getKieClasspathContainer();




                    // set stream mode as opposite to cloud mode

                    KieBaseConfiguration kbconf = KieServices.Factory.get().newKieBaseConfiguration();

                    kbconf.setOption(EventProcessingOption.STREAM );


                    // set clock to pseudo clock to be able to advance it manually

                    KieSessionConfiguration ksconf = KieServices.Factory.get().newKieSessionConfiguration();




                    // returns ksession from kiecontainer as defined in the kmodule.xml file

                    KieSession kSession = kContainer.newKieSession("VAPSession", ksconf);



                    // Insert test patients and related classes, dates are in long format to match pseudoclock

                    final Patient p1 = new Patient( "MrJones", 45, 1, true,false,false,35.0,

                                  5000,"None","Localized Infiltrates","Yes","None","S.Aureus",245,false, false, 0,

                                  true,new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse("2014-05-31").getTime(),"",

                                  new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse("2014-05-31").getTime(),false,false,false,false);

kSession.insert( p1 );



                    // Insert test patients and related classes, dates are long format


                    final Patient p2 = new Patient( "MissDaisy", 90, 1, true,false,true,37.0,

                                  5000,"Purulent","Diffuse or Patchy Infiltrates","None","Heavy","S.Aureus",235,false, false, 0,

                                  true,new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse("2014-05-31").getTime(),"",

                                  new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse("2014-05-31").getTime(),false,false,true,false);


                    kSession.insert( p2 );


                    // define and get a reference to the entry point

                    EntryPoint nursingStream = kSession.getEntryPoint( "NursingStream" );


                    // define session clock

                    SessionPseudoClock clock = kSession.getSessionClock();


                    // insert events

                    // then, while inserting events, advance the clock as necessary:


                    clock.advanceTime(24, TimeUnit.HOURS);

                    CPIScore cpiScore1 = new CPIScore( p1,"diagnosis",7,ToDate(clock.getCurrentTime()) );

                    nursingStream.insert( cpiScore1 );



// day 2

                    clock.advanceTime( 24, TimeUnit.HOURS );

                    cpiScore1 = new CPIScore( p1,"follow-up",5,ToDate(clock.getCurrentTime()) );

                    nursingStream.insert( cpiScore1 );



// day 3

                    clock.advanceTime( 24, TimeUnit.HOURS );

                    cpiScore1 = new CPIScore( p1,"follow-up",5,ToDate(clock.getCurrentTime()) );

                    nursingStream..insert( cpiScore1 );




The fact classes have now long fields to represent Dates (I changed to see if that made a difference, it didn’t). The event class has such a long field that can be defined as @timestamp but I rather prefer to use the internal event timestamp managed by Drools.

So in my ..DRL file I’d like to have:


declare CPIScore




In my rules I compare the patient hospitalization date (defined as Date and later as Long in the fact class) with a stream of events , and I expect drools to extract the correct timestamp from the event. This can’t happen if 1970 is the pseudoclock date.


Please advice as about how to proceed, I’m a bit lost at this point.


Thanks in advance



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