Yeah, because as far as I know that's not the intention of a swimlane. The main idea is taht if you have multiple tasks in the same swimlane all of them will be assigned to the same actor, but in this case you have only one task in the swim lane and then you are going into the swimlane again, so it will create a new context again.. and that's the expected behavior as far as I know. 

On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Zahid Ahmed <> wrote:



I am testing swim lanes for a scenario in my requirements. But, I am unable to get my desired results.


Scenario: The scenario is that when a subordinate task completes and assigns back to ManagerTask. The manager who assigned the task should be getting the task again now without having to claim it. For this I have tried to use swim lanes but its not working. PFA BPMN2 and process image.











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