After uploading the JAR did you save the asset?

Adding a POJO Model Asset creates a container for the JAR, once you have browsed and uploaded it you need to save the asset. Try this first.

I also recall that others have reported a problem in the past that meant, IIRC, you had to refresh your browser. Try this second. This is fixed in 5.4.

On 28 June 2012 14:04, abhinay_agarwal <> wrote:

m using GUVNOR v5.3.0

i upload a POJO JAR in global area and created a rule using it in the global

now, when i imported the same jar into a package and tried making rules
using it, it shows me the following error..

Note: No model has been defined.
Tip: You will want to import or define a model for this user interface to
work !

M, i doing something wrong, can yu plz help me out !!


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