
Q1. I think a few people already use distributed objects or at least simple proxies as facts. The only area I think may eventually need some attention is with shadow facts integration, in case your remote objects have some funny way of generating the concrete class from the interfaces. So, I guess it would be a good exercise to prototype. We would gladly provide support. We just ask if you can to contribute the experience back to the community.

Q2. I understand your concern and as you said, as much as we are growing individual responsibilities, we are still a small team. We do provide support for the 3 tools you mentioned and have more than one people capable of supporting each of them, but being a small team, Decision Tables may not have received the focus it deserved in the last release. In the next releases I believe it is planned a lot of new features for Decision Tables, including web based authoring inside BRMS if I'm not mistaken. So you can expect the gap to close.


2007/7/26, Arjun Dhar <>:

Q1. we all use POJOS in the Working Memory. Theoretically is it even possoble
to experiment with distributed objects in the working memory running in a JVM?
At the end its an object, but well... :)

Q2. Another question, with DSL, Decsion Tables, Rule Flows. Where does the
JBoss Rules dev team commitment lie most? I need to ask this coz everyone has
their preference but where support is; one should go! (example: Decsion tables
still does not Support agenda groups and 'from', I've had to develop work
arounds); so where does the commitment lie?


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  Edson Tirelli
  Software Engineer - JBoss Rules Core Developer
  Office: +55 11 3529-6000
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