Guvnor implements a REST API that can be used to get a big DRL from ressources in a package.
Most of time in my company's projects we used this API to get and store DRL files in a production environnement, with some dedicated code (no maven nor web in prod).
It is almost as simple as copying files, the REST api is simple to use and works great, with all versions (did not test the 6.0, but I use almost the same code since guvnor 5.2).
Guvnor only exists in the "authoring environnement", and rules should be tested before being deployed (via DRL file copying on a NFS, but a BLOB would work too) in the real prod env, which has no Guvnor at all.
We have specifc code to load rules into a new session and execute it on our data (loading new rules if he file has changed). This last point does not use latest drools spring integration (with agents etc etc) mainly because I had to do that kind of thing a long time ago when all that stuff did not exist and from there I go on with some code that I can easily change. But it is quite easy to do (not immediate neither) and you won't depend on some drools code that may change over versions if you want to inject some of your tricks in the middle of the process.
In my opinion, Guvnor should be used if you need to make your business user to author rules by themselves. As far I understood from your other posts, you have a lot of old java code to port to new java/rules code, but nowhere you mention who will maintain this. If is it only dev guys, you certainly don't need gunvnor at all and deal directly with your favorite IDE and Git with normal source files (DRL, DSRL, XLS, or whatever, there are numbers of code samples in the doc that tells you how to feed a KB with file ressources).
De: "Horváth Péter Gergely" <h.peter@mailbox.hu>
À: "Rules Users List" <rules-users@lists.jboss.org>
Envoyé: Lundi 2 Juin 2014 17:21:11
Objet: Re: [rules-users] Rules storage without Guvnor?
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your help. Creating a custom build of Guvnor sounds to require quite some effort, I'm not sure whether we should go down that way.
Unfortunately, I don't think we will have the option to use Maven based rule deployments at all. In Drools 6, KieScanner seems to be built around Maven; this doesn't suit environments where the application runs on servers without Maven (e.g. no Maven installed, no local Maven repository allowed, access to remote Maven repositories blocked by firewall.)
Do you see any way for us to load rule files directly from the file system and still have the automatic change detection? For example, we could push rule files to NFS with CI and let the application detect and pick up changes...
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