Edson thank you very much for your suggestions.
I wonder if it didn't work because I used 2.0.13? - I did that because I
couldn't find 2.0.12 on the download page at
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MVEL/Downloading+MVEL - as you can see from
the attached pic I did try adding that jar to the project build path, ahead
of the "standard" Drools library.
I'll download 2.0.14-SNAPSHOT and try it with that. Don't have the strength
to rebuild etc right now! I'll report back. Thanks again for your help, much
appreciated. :)
http://www.nabble.com/file/p25063132/drools3.png drools3.png
Edson Tirelli-3 wrote:
> I am no Eclipse expert, but:
> "The correct way" (TM): checkout the source code, change the pom.xml to
> use
> the correct MVEL version, rebuild the plugin and re-install. When we
> release
> the next version, just update it.
> "The easy way" (TM): add the new mvel jar to your eclipse project
> classpath
> and move it up to be before the drools library in the eclipse project
> classpath order. You will have both in the classpath, but being first in
> the
> classpath order will make eclipse use it.
> You must use 2.0.12 or 2.0.14-SNAPSHOT. When I tested 2.0.13 there was
> a
> regression, if I remember correctly.
> []s
> Edson
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Drools-library---updating-Drools-jar-tp25057905p25063132.html