When we define two parallel branches in a business process we represent a real situation where two task needs to be completed in parallel. We are not expressing something low level as Concurrent (multi threaded) programming.
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Greetings for all,We're learning about jboss rules ( drools ), in particular, drools flow by the workflow topic.In the documentation, the parallelism is solved by means of split node of type 1 (AND).�However, when we execute the testing ,the execution is sequential.In particular, the idea is that our workflow executes two subflows in parallel. For this target we configured a�"split node" with type 'AND' and a "join node" with type 'AND', no more configuration, Is it required another configurations? �Is it problem of standalone applications?�We don't know.This is the case:0. Drools:Created-By: Apache MavenBuilt-By: trikkolaBuild-Jdk: 1.5.0_15Specification-Title: Drools :: APISpecification-Version: 5.0.1Specification-Vendor: JBoss Inc.Implementation-Title: Drools :: APIImplementation-Version: 5.0.1Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.droolsImplementation-Vendor: JBoss Inc.1. ProcessXML:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>�<process xmlns="http://drools.org/drools-5.0/process"�� � � � xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"�� � � � xs:schemaLocation="http://drools.org/drools-5.0/process drools-processes-5.0.xsd"�� � � � type="RuleFlow" name="PriDigitalTest" id="com.epmbog.esb.drools.mediator.PriDigitalTest" package-name="com.epmbog.esb.drools.mediator" >��<header>�� �<variables>�� � �<variable name="factsMap" >�� � � �<type name="org.drools.process.core.datatype.impl.type.ObjectDataType" className="java.util.HashMap" />�� � �</variable>�� � �<variable name="resultsMap" >�� � � �<type name="org.drools.process.core.datatype.impl.type.ObjectDataType" className="java.util.HashMap" />�� � �</variable>�� �</variables>��</header>��<nodes>�� ��� �<start id="1" name="Start" x="126" y="16" width="48" height="48" />�� ��� �<split id="19" name="AND" x="109" y="95" width="80" height="40" type="1" />�� ��� �<subProcess id="17" name="UMGSubFlow" x="16" y="168" width="119" height="49" processId="com.epmbog.esb.drools.mediator.UMGFlow" waitForCompletion="false" independent="false" >�� � �<mapping type="in" from="resultsMap" to="resultsMap" />�� � �<mapping type="in" from="factsMap" to="factsMap" />�� �</subProcess>�� ��� �<subProcess id="18" name="SoftSwitchSubFlow" x="167" y="168" width="119" height="49" processId="com.epmbog.esb.drools.mediator.SoftSwitchFlow" waitForCompletion="false" independent="false" >�� � �<mapping type="in" from="resultsMap" to="resultsMap" />�� � �<mapping type="in" from="factsMap" to="factsMap" />�� �</subProcess>�� ��� �<join id="20" name="Join(And)" x="110" y="251" width="80" height="40" type="1" />�� ��� �<end id="6" name="End" x="112" y="414" width="80" height="40" />�� ���</nodes>��<connections>��� �<connection from="1" to="19" />�� ��� �<connection from="19" to="17" />�� �<connection from="19" to="18" />����� �<connection from="17" to="20" />�� �<connection from="18" to="20" />�� ��� �<connection from="20" to="6" />�� ���</connections></process>2.�Chart
We greatly appreciate your help, any suggestions? Thank you a lotPEDRO MARIA BUITRAGO MANTILLA
Bogot�, Colombia
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