Start by eliminating the evals and writing your constraints properly inside the patterns. Drools 3+ is orders of magnitude faster than Drools 2.x, but you need to leverage its power in your rules. Please read the manual as the version 3 was a completely rewrite of version 2. Version 4 is an improvement over 3.

   As an example, look at this:


2008/9/5 Rout, Sushanta (ThoughtMill) <>
We were using Drools 2.5 version earlier. Now we have switched to drools
4.0.7. But we see significant issues with performance like drools 4.0.7
is three times slower than 2.5 . Has anybody encountered the issue?

Here is a sample of the rule, we have some more similar to this.
rule "test"
       dialect "java"
       activation-group "group1"
               $croNumberDetailsRequest : CRONumberDetailsRequest()
               $resdirectPhoneNumber : ResdirectPhoneNumber()
               eval($resdirectPhoneNumber.getType().getId() == 5 &&

)) &&
                        $croNumberDetailsRequest.getRegion() != null &&

) &&
                        $croNumberDetailsRequest.getLocale() != null &&

ale()) &&



rules-users mailing list

Edson Tirelli
JBoss Drools Core Development
JBoss, a division of Red Hat @